Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Uh, WE all knew he was still famous. Oh, Dave.

"Thousands of people packed the square late Tuesday night and into Wednesday morning, drawn by the ethereal promise of an appearance by the popular comedian. They stayed two hours despite a tiny sound system that made Chappelle nearly inaudible, creating one of the most remarkable spontaneous gatherings in Portland history.... instead of the 200 people Chappelle said he anticipated showing up at the square, thousands did. He had no entourage and, apparently, not one security guard.

Chappelle kept speaking to the crowd, at one point saying he was proud, "when people can stand this close together and not be angry."

He said he didn't realise he was still famous.

Bless. He's so dear! And talented! And brimming with integrity! Maybe this means he's planning a comeback...but, uh, without the planning aspect. Seemingly the show didn't work out so much.

Full story here

PS: Really?
The ethereal promise? I call foul, Oregonlive! In your haste to gush you've gotten imprecise with your language. Calm yourself.

PPS: If that doesn't make you ruminate on These Days of Internets, then I don't know what. I just. Don't. Know. (What.) (WHAT?!) (Yeah.)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Beyoncé My Fiancée

Beyonce released a new video today. All I can come up with right now is "Girl, stop. You are killing them."

Naw, I've got more to say, but I'll leave it 'til I can find me an embeddable, high quality version of the video. Here's a taster of the video:

Naw...I've got to say more because, like, just, Maaaannnnnnn. Go find the video on youtube, I won't be mad.

See, I kind of hated this song when it was leaked way way back in times of yore. I was just not behind the idea of a synthetic casing for Beybey's voice, I wanted to let it breathe. I wasn't feeling this pulsing sort of vibe. I wanted a big warm beat. Two things have now won me over. One, the vibrato she throws all over the bridge. Aaaaah! And now, two, this video. WERK!

(Which reminds me: I'll have to post about Ciara's now-not-too-new video because my girlfriend number two Melina directed it and it Spits. Hot. Fire).

I wasn't feeling the song because I first fell for Beyonce, really and truly, like trying to convert other people truly, when I heard Suga Mama. And that's all wanted her to do for ever and ever. Gut bucket guitar. Saucy ass horns. Come sit on mama's lap.

Re-listen to this song and the first thing you should think is: "If this were someone's first single, we'd all be falling over ourselves in a post-Winehouse longing for retro to be restored. We'd hail this woman as a sexified, saleable Sharon Jones lite."

That won't be the first thing you think, though. The first think you think will be "THIGHS."