So this is Jazmine Sullivan, and yeah, she sounds a whole lot like one Ms. L. Hill, an idea aided and abetted by that rich-ass somewhat islandy arrangement. And yes, this song isn’t fresh this morning – it’s been up on the itunes for a couples of days now and it was out for quite a while before that, but this blog hasn’t been around that long. And you love it! Perfect for the summer! Stop complaining!
Terrible thing is, although it’s four thousand times better sung, that bridgey bit in the middle there just reminds me of waiting for tonight by Jennifer Lopez, before she was J.Lo. You know the one, where she’s trekking through the amazon to reach the secluded glade/club where she finds her mystery man and, far more importantly, a bunch of super excited bright green lasers. That song wasn’t even huge, but man has the “Green lasers you guys! Lots and lots of them!” concept been worked over since then - those lasers have been popping up for years. The video Usher’s Yeah used them to highlight the spangly, shrill future-club vibe it had going. Just today, I saw them in full swing in that Dream video WHICH BY THE WAY could have been more awesome by a long shot.
This song operates as a sort of melding of the respective appeals of I’ma Flirt and Shawty is the shit, right? Your girl is hot and awesome. I love her! Also, I’m hot and awesome, and she to’ally wants me. Yeah! And that’s a good concept: guys will like it because it makes them feel sly and sexy, chicks dig it because they like the idea of being noticeably badass even when they’re supposed to be off limits. She chooses an upgrade, I guess, wooo, empowering. At least if you ignore the Dream’s shall we say singer-songwriterish appearance. But the video?
Man, the lasers are having more fun than the chick in this video. If she’s so great and wantable, why is she rocking bitch face the whole time? Now the women in the T-Pain (and I guess Flo Rida’s there too) Low video, they’re enjoying themselves. I can’t help but feel this video’d do a little better if it did what the song wants to and make a girl feel special. Or at least like she’s somewhat enjoying herself. I mean, It’s her BIRTHDAY! C’mon the Dream, you can do better. You wrote Bed. And Umbrella. Umbrella!
So that's the inaugural post. Ramble on!
1 comment:
Ramble on indeed. I like the lasers commentary, run with that. So far this all feels like a conversation with you in which you've had way too much coffee, and I'm gagged. which isnt nessicarily a bad thing.
I like the commentary interspersed with video / pictures, spurring on more commentary. Works for me!
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